BLUPOINT Smarthouse System
Smarthouse Project
Supported by European Social Funds, Hi-Tech Projects business plan project is based on development of a unique wireless protection system BLUPOINT.
Electronic equipment system is being developed so it would form a full range of products for the technical protection of properties: sensors, controls, communication devices, data transfer devices, servers for data and alarm dispatch and controlling through the Internet.
In the first system suite, which will be run into production within
the project, the following modules will be included:
- GSM Base station
- Wireless magnetic door sensors
- Wireless Temperature sensors
- Wireless smoke detectors
- Radio channel transponders
- Wireless video cameras
- Wireless barriers
The system is developed by wireless operating principle: alarm from the sensors through a radio channel is broadcasted to the base station, which further broadcasts it to the system server with GPRS data transmission.
The user can control Blupoint System from his own smartphone, by downloading an application designed for it.